Episode 37: Our guest is Christine Norvell, a Jacksonville mom and the owner of Let’s Be Friends Academy. In this episode, Christine chats with us about the importance of play-based preschool for kids and the challenges and joys that have come with opening her own childcare facility in Jacksonville.
Episode 37: Show Notes
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Episode 37: About Our Guest

Chrissy Norvell, the founder of Let’s Be Friends Academy, Early Learning Center moved to Jacksonville in August of 2010. After Graduating from UCF with a degree in business and hospitality, she traveled the world working in various what she calls “business adventures”. After moving to Jacksonville and meeting her husband, she began a family. With zero intention of ever working with children besides her own two daughters, Covid hit, which made her hospitality business she owned tank in a matter of a year.
Living on the Northside of Jacksonville, Christine realized she lived in a childcare desert. Wanting her girls to be able to play outside, learning from their natural environment, and wanting more for them than she could find; she went to lunch with a friend, put an idea on a napkin, and for the next 2.5 years built it from the ground up. Birthed from a problem, Let’s Be Friends Academy arose. If there is one thing she knew for sure, it was that parents always want the best for their children and they are willing to do anything to get it… and she knew business.
Episode 37: Let’s Be Friends Academy

Let’s Be Friends Academy is a play based early childcare center in Northside of Jacksonville. They offer childcare for infants to pre-k students.
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