FIRE Foundation NE Florida - Michelle Tetschner

Episode 52: Our guest is Michelle Tetschner, a Jacksonville mom and the founder and president of FIRE Foundation NE Florida. In this episode, we chat with Michelle about her personal journey parenting a son with special needs and how this led her to a foundation that works with families and schools to promote the inclusion of special education students.

Episode 52: Show Notes

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Fully Included: Stories to Inspire Inclusion

Episode 52: About Our Guest

Michelle Teschner FIRE Foundation NE Florida, Jacksonville

Michelle Tetschner is a proud mom to three boys, the youngest is Raymond who happens to rock an extra chromosome. She is the author of the book: “Fully Included~Stories to Inspire Inclusion” with her husband Stacy. She is also a writer for The Mighty with over 25 stories published on disability and Down syndrome. Michelle has been featured on several podcasts and webinars as a leading expert on inclusion in both public and private Catholic schools. She is the currently president/founder of FIRE Foundation NE Florida. She describes herself as a “passionate inclusionista” who has fought yearly for her son Raymond to be included in school. She has coached hundreds of parents with inspiration and guidance for school meetings and IEPs.

Her son Raymond, is used to being the first. He was one of the first students in Phoenix, AZ to be fully included in Catholic school. He went on to be the inaugural student of a brand new program in Maryland, as well as the first student with Down syndrome, in the diocese of St Petersburg- to graduate fully included. He is an amazing drummer, actor, and an amazing guy who loves God and his family. Michelle believes we all live in one world, and longs for the day when everyone chooses to open their hearts and minds to seeing each persons gifts and talents first. 

Episode 52: FIRE Foundation NE Florida

FIRE Foundation NE Florida

The mission of the FIRE Foundation NE Florida is to provide children with special needs the opportunity for an inclusive Catholic education in their home parish schools. They serve Jacksonville, St Augustine and the surrounding Northeast area of Florida. FIRE was founded in 1996 by a group of parents who shared a common dream; for their children with special needs to attend their parish schools with siblings and friends and FIRE Foundation for Northeast Florida was founded in 2023 by Michelle Tetschner.

FIRE Foundation NE Florida - Michelle Tetschner


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