Episode 6: Our guest is Theresa Rogers, the current president of the Duval County Council PTA. In this episode, Theresa talks with us about what PTA does at the local and national levels, how parents can get involved at their child’s school and why it’s important to stay connected particularly during this time of social distancing. Get involved at your school by reaching out to your PTA via social media or on their website. If you don’t have a PTA, the Duval Council or your school administration can help you form one.
Episode 6: Show Notes
Duval County Council PTA
Florida PTA
National PTA
Learn more about the Duval County 1/2 cent Sales Tax Referendum
Episode 6: About our Guest

Theresa Rogers is a married, mother of two daughters, one at Stanton and the other at the University of Florida. She is a graduate of UF and worked in non-profit. She has volunteered with PTA for many years and is currently the president of the Duval County Council of PTAs/PTSAs.

Duval County Council PTA is a group of local PTAs organized under the authority of the Florida PTA. The mission of the PTA is to be a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child. Local PTAs join the Council as a unit, not as individual members, and pay dues according to the Council bylaws. The Council president is a member of the Florida PTA Board of Directors. A County Council is the direct line of support and resource to the PTAs within its boundaries. The PTA has taken the lead in promoting juvenile courts, school lunch programs, transportation programs and child labor laws, to name a few.
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