Episode 4: Our guest is Erica Threet, a certified pediatric sleep consultant. Erica works with families to help them get their babies and kids sleeping through the night. Whether you’ve got a newborn or a toddler, this episode has something for all the moms. In this episode Erica shares with us why sleep is so important. In addition she gives us some tips parents can use to get the rest they need. You can follow Erica on her Instagram, One Rested Mama, for ideas and tips on getting your child the healthy sleep they need and you deserve.
Episode 4: Show Notes
Follow Erica on Instagram at One Rested Mama
Schedule a Sleep Consultation
Suggested Reading:
(affiliate and referral links used)
Baby Wise Book 1
Baby Wise Book 2
Child Wise
Episode 4: About Our Guest

Erica Threet is a mom of two boys, ages 6 and 3. She graduated with a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Florida. As a member of the Sleep Wise Consulting team, she work with families to teach their babies and toddlers independent sleep skills. With a customized sleep plan, gentle methods and support through the process, your baby will be sleeping 10-12 hours overnight and you will get the REST you deserve.

Sleep deprivation is a serious issue that affects the health, relationships, and life-long sleep skills of everyone in your family. Tired is not a badge of honor. Are you planning ahead for your baby’s arrival. Have you been struggling through the first few months. Do you wonder why your toddler suddenly refuses to sleep? If these common problems sound like you, then a sleep consultant might be just what you family needs. Sleep Wise Consultants are here to ensure that your sleep goals are met.
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